According to a Michigan Dentist many of us suffer from tooth sensitivity which becomes conspicuous while having frozen food or your favorite ice cream. There are many factors that lead to a tooth becoming sensitive towards food items that have been frozen. The basic reason why teeth become sensitive towards these food items is the recession of the hard outer covering of the teeth called enamel that exposes the underlying parts of the teeth where nerve endings are present that will transfer the sensitive sensation to he brain that makes a person jump due to pain.
Gum recession is one of the major contributing factors for tooth sensitivity that is caused due to periodontal diseases informs Shelby and Michigan Dental Clinic Many people grind their teeth while sleeping that makes the dentin to be harmed. If you are in the habit of grinding your teeth while sleeping make sure that you wear a mouth guard which helps in preserving the dentin. If you are brushing with a hard, old or worn out toothbrush chances are that you are more prone to have more sensitive teeth than a person who has been brushing with a new soft tooth brush.
Soft bristled tooth brushes that are not more than 3 months old or have not been worn out should be used for the best cars of the teeth. Teeth whiteners should be avoided if you can really avoid them as they contain abrasives that will harm the outer layer of the teeth and cause damage to the inner layer of the teeth which in turn leads to teeth sensitivity.
If you are already suffering from tooth sensitivity don’t loose heart there are many options that can be exercised according to Shelby and Sterling heights dentist who has been working with people who had to deal with sensitive teeth for the past many years. Toothpastes manufactured specifically for people who are suffering from tooth sensitivity are available on the market that will surely help you in overcoming tooth sensitivity. These toothpastes contain potassium nitrate or strontium chloride which fill up the gap that has been created and prevent stimuli like ice cream from reaching the nerves. Make sure you don’t expect immediate results as it will take at least 2-3 weeks to see the actual results after you brush your teeth at least twice a day.
If you have one of your teeth filled up with silver amalgam and its the culprit in giving you those sensitive shocks you need to immediately see your dentist as the filling needs to be replaced or needs to be fixed.
If your dentin has been exposed it means a direct contact with the nerves and you seriously need to cover it up. Talk to your dentist regarding that as your dentist will be in a position to advise you ways and methods to cover that gap which has been left by the corroded dentin.
Do not ignore sensitive tooth as they are an indicator for a bigger problem. You need to contact your dentist as soon you realize that you have sensitive teeth.
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