Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Advantages of using electric tooth brush

There is no compromise as far as teeth are concerned. Since the teeth are the most prominent part of our body as these cannot be taken for granted. People often neglect their teeth and face a lot of problems and visits to the dentist regularly. Tooth ache is really soul shattering experience.

There are lots of varieties of toothbrush available in the market and lots of more coming so a person gets confused which one to use. The major category is basically manual and powered tooth brush.

The electric tooth brush scores more in many different ways. It brushes the teeth just as the dentists do. Most of the people still use the old traditional manual tooth brush daily, due to less awareness and surety of the product. It moves the bristles faster on teeth than a human hand cannot do easily. It does deep cleaning. It also helps in removing the bad breath caused due to bacteria, hiding between the teeth and gums, making breath fresher and cleaner.

Electric toothbrushes are best in removing the strains from the teeth, often detected in teeth of people who smoke or drink coffee a lot. Manual toothbrush brushes hard on the teeth, thus removing the tooth enamel and making tooth sensitive to hot, cold, sweet or sour taste and thereafter pain starts, which is really intolerable.

With advanced hi-tech features, electric toothbrush provides many oral health benefits. Brushing very hard damages the gum tissues and these never grows back. Even people suffering from arthritis also feels comfortable with electric brush due to the fact they have to exert less pressure back and forth on the teeth. The handle of electric tooth brush is more comfortable for a firm grip as compared to manual toothbrush. Since this type of brush requires less effort, so it is best suited for the kids as well. Majority of electric tooth brush has timer inbuilt so as to inform the user for brushing time left. Powered toothbrush has more life span and durability than the manual one.
The electric tooth brush make the bristles moves faster enabling them removing the plaque bacteria deep down the layers and not just the surface, ensuring clean and white teeth  and overall the clean mouth. Thus, an electric tooth brush does a better job than manual tooth brush and is the best option for a clean mouth than to consult a dentist.

For more details on Missing tooth and Michigan Teeth Whitening Dentist from Sterling Heights Dentists and Shelby dentist in Michigan visit - http://sterlingheightsdentist.wordpress.com

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